
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Low Carb Diets Vs Low Fat Diets - An In-Depth Comparison of the Pros and Cons

Thanks to addition instances of habitancy in industrialized western nations falling prey to obesity, diets like low fat diets and low carb diets have come to be very popular. But before selecting any particular type of diet you need to do a comparative study of low carb diets vs. Low fat diets and notify yourself with the pros and cons of each.

Low fat diet


This type of diet tries to eliminate all sorts of fatty food and food items rich in fat that may lead to obesity like elimination of butter, cream, dairy products, peanut butter, nuts, junk food, oily fatty calorie laden food etc.

Low Carb Diets Vs Low Fat Diets - An In-Depth Comparison of the Pros and Cons


It absolutely promotes weight loss.
It does not increase insulin content.
The intake of calorie is lowered.
Cholesterol levels are brought down.
Bad fats are eliminated.

It minimizes the risk of obesity connected diseases like heart diseases, cardiac arrest, strokes, blockage of vessels etc.

Makes the skin smooth, oil free and flawless and prevents acne and pimples.
It also diminishes the mortality rate due to sudden heart diseases.

Leads to easy digestion.


Restricting intake of calorie to 10% fat article can be very difficult.
It dries out the skin completely, makes it chapped, rough and wrinkled quickly and the skin also loses all natural glow.

Experts' verdict

In a low carb diets vs. Low fat diets match, the latter tends to create less impact than the former.

Low carb diet

It involves reducing or cutting out the intake of food items rich in carbohydrates and starch and is recommended for habitancy who are obese or have contracted hyper insulinemia.


The blood pressure is lowered.

The lipid profile of the blood is improved important to low cholesterol levels.
It lowers the insulin.

The blood sugar levels are also stabilized thus making it an ideal diet for diabetics.

It triggers weight loss in a sustained manner.


Most varieties of fruits are cut out from this diet thus addition chances of nourishment deficiency.

Regular mineral and vitamin supplements have to be taken to replenish the lack of nutrition.

Fiber supplements have to be taken as well to compensate for the loss of dietary fiber.

There are varied long term and short term side effects like bad breath, constipation, hair loss, cramps, fatigue, lethargy, lack of corporeal and reasoning energy, reduced thinking, reasoning, analytical abilities, slow working of the brain, dizziness etc.

Thus both have their pros and cons but in a low carb diets vs. Low fat diets comparison, the previous has always triggered more weight loss than the latter.

Low Carb Diets Vs Low Fat Diets - An In-Depth Comparison of the Pros and Cons

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